How to Choose the Right Mirror for Your Bathroom

How to Choose the Right Mirror for Your Bathroom

The bathroom is often considered a sanctuary in the home - a place for relaxation, self-care, and reflection. Therefore, every detail in its design is crucial for creating the perfect ambiance, and choosing the right mirror is no exception. The mirror is not only a practical necessity for daily routines such as makeup application and shaving, but it also plays a significant role in the bathroom's overall aesthetic and spatial perception. Selecting the perfect mirror can be overwhelming with an array of sizes, shapes, and styles available. 

This blog post will guide you through the essential factors to consider when choosing the right mirror for your bathroom, ensuring it fulfills its functional purpose, complements your bathroom's design, and becomes a statement piece that enhances the space.

Select the Right Size As per Bathroom Vanity

Selecting the right mirror size is paramount in maintaining the bathroom's proportions and functionality. A mirror that is too small may not provide enough viewing area for your daily tasks, while a mirror that is too large can overwhelm the space and make it feel cramped. To determine the ideal size of your bathroom mirror, consider the following factors:

  1. Vanity Size: The width of your vanity should serve as a guide for the mirror size. Generally, your mirror should not exceed the width of the bathroom vanity. A good rule of thumb is to select a vanity mirror that is 70-80% of the width of the bathroom vanity. This ensures that the vanity mirror is proportionate to the vanity and maintains a balanced look. If you have a double vanity, then choose appropriately. For example, a client might ask, ‘What size mirror for a 48-inch vanity?’. Professionals should keep calculations in mind before suggesting any mirror size to clients. 
  1. Wall Space: Assess the wall space where you intend to hang the mirror. Ensure there is enough space to accommodate the bathroom vanity mirror without being too close to light fixtures or other architectural elements. It should be hung at an optimal mirror height.
  1. Functionality: Consider the primary users of the bathroom and their needs. For instance, if two people often use the bathroom vanity simultaneously, a larger bathroom mirror or two separate mirrors may be necessary to cater to both users' needs. There are double vanity mirrors for bathrooms that can be used for various purposes. 

By carefully considering the vanity size, wall space, and functionality, you can select a mirror size that is both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Additionally, look into the matter of how big a mirror should be over a vanity or bathroom mirror placement over a vanity. Getting these things sorted by a professional would help to improve the functionality of the mirror that has been installed for the bathroom vanity. 

Choose the Ideal Shape

The shape of the mirror plays a crucial role in defining the bathroom's style and influencing its overall aesthetic. Here are some popular mirror shapes and the impact they can have on your bathroom:

  1. Rectangular Mirror: This classic shape provides a clean and straightforward look, making the bathroom appear taller or wider depending on its orientation. It is versatile and works well with most bathroom styles.
  1. Round: Round mirrors offer a softer, more organic look and can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your bathroom. They are perfect for breaking up the straight lines commonly found in bathroom fixtures and tiles.
  1. Oval: Similar to round mirrors, oval mirrors provide a softer look and work well in traditional or vintage-style bathrooms. Their elongated shape can also make the space appear taller.
  1. Square: Less common than rectangular mirrors, square mirrors provide a modern, geometric aesthetic to the bathroom. They work well in contemporary or minimalist bathroom designs.
  1. Unconventional Shapes: For those looking to make a statement, consider mirrors with unconventional shapes like hexagons, arched tops, or irregular forms. These mirrors can serve as a focal point in the bathroom and add a unique touch to the space.

When selecting the mirror shape, consider the existing shapes and lines in your bathroom and choose a mirror that complements or contrasts these elements to create a harmonious and balanced design.

Choose the Right Style of Mirror

Selecting the right style of mirror is essential in enhancing the overall aesthetic of your bathroom. Here are some popular mirror styles and the bathroom designs they work best with:

  1. Framed Mirror: Framed mirrors are versatile and can be found in a variety of materials, colors, and designs. A wooden frame can add warmth to a bathroom with neutral tones, while a metal frame can provide a sleek, modern look.
  1. Vintage Mirror: With their intricate frames and often aged glass, Vintage bathroom mirrors can add character and charm to a traditional or vintage-style bathroom.
  1. Decorative Mirror: Decorative mirrors come in various shapes, designs, and embellishments. They can serve as a statement piece in your bathroom and add a touch of personality and style to the space.

When you buy home decor online, consider the overall design theme of your bathroom and select a mirror that complements the existing fixtures and decor. 

Think About the Overall Design

The overall design of your bathroom plays a significant role in determining the type of mirror that will work best in your space. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Design Theme: Is your bathroom modern, traditional, minimalist, or eclectic? The design theme of your bathroom will influence the style, shape, and features of the mirror that will work best in your space.
  1. Color Scheme: Consider the color palette of your bathroom. A mirror with a frame that complements or contrasts with the colors in your bathroom can enhance the overall aesthetic.
  1. Focal Point: Determine if you want the mirror to be a focal point in your bathroom. A large, decorative mirror can serve as a statement piece and draw attention, while a simple, frameless mirror can provide a more understated look.
  1. Fixtures and Decor: Consider the other bathroom decor items. Select a mirror that complements the existing elements in your space to create a cohesive and harmonious design. 

By considering the overall design of your bathroom, you can select a mirror that enhances your space's aesthetic, functionality, and value.

Consider Your Budget

Budget is always an important consideration when making any purchase. Mirrors can range in price from very affordable to quite expensive, depending on the size, style, and features. Setting a budget before you start shopping and sticking to it is important. Remember that while saving money is always nice, it is also important to invest in a quality mirror that will last a long time and add value to your bathroom.

When setting your budget, consider the features that are most important to you. For example, if you need a mirror with built-in lighting, you may need to allocate a larger portion of your budget to the mirror.

It's important to strike a balance between style, functionality, and budget. Consider what features are most important to you and prioritize those when selecting a mirror. Remember, a more expensive mirror does not necessarily mean it is better quality or more suitable for your space.

Play with Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in enhancing your bathroom's aesthetics and your mirror's functionality. While many people opt for lighted mirrors, there are various ways you can use vanity lighting, lamps, and other fixtures to enhance your bathroom mirror and space. Here are some lighting ideas to consider:

  1. Sconces: Wall sconces on either side of the mirror can provide even lighting across your face, making daily tasks like shaving or makeup application easier. Choose sconces that complement the style of your bathroom and mirror.
  1. Overhead Lighting: Installing overhead lighting above the mirror can help illuminate the space and add a touch of style. However, be cautious, as overhead lighting can cast shadows on your face. It is best to pair it with side lighting to eliminate any shadows.
  1. Pendant Lights: Hanging pendant lights on either side of the mirror can add a stylish and modern touch to your bathroom. Choose pendant lights that complement the style of your bathroom and provide adequate illumination.
  1. Task Lighting: Consider installing task lighting around the mirror to provide focused illumination for daily tasks like shaving or makeup application.

Remember to choose lighting fixtures and small bathroom decorations that complement the style of your bathroom and mirror and provide adequate illumination for your needs. Also, consider the color temperature of the light bulbs. Warm white light is ideal for bathroom spaces as it is flattering to the skin and creates a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.

Pay Attention to The Clips Or Attachments to Hang Mirror

Hanging your mirror securely is crucial for safety and functionality. So how to hang a bathroom mirror and how high to hang a bathroom mirror are the questions that come up before hanging a mirror in the bathroom. The clips or attachments you use to hang your mirror can affect its stability and alignment on the wall. Here are some important considerations:

  1. Weight of the Mirror: The weight of the mirror will determine the type of clips or attachments needed. Heavy mirrors will require more robust and durable attachments, while lighter mirrors can be hung with standard clips or adhesive strips.
  1. Wall Type: The type of wall will also affect the clips or attachments you should use. For example, drywall may require wall anchors for added support, while a tiled wall may require special clips or adhesives.
  1. Mirror Style: The style of the mirror can also affect the type of clips or attachments needed. Double mirrors may require special clips or adhesive strips that do not damage the glass, while framed mirrors can be hung using D-rings or wire.

Remember to follow the manufacturer's instructions for hanging your mirror and, if in doubt, consult a professional for help. 

How to Hang the Bathroom Mirror?

Hanging a bathroom mirror requires careful consideration and precise measurements to ensure it is secure and properly aligned. Follow these steps to hang your bathroom mirror:

  1. Determine the Height: Decide how high you want the mirror to be. The height should be based on the height of the users and the height of the vanity. A common practice is to hang the mirror 5-10 inches above the vanity. It should not be too close to ceiling height or too low, covering the floor area.
  1. Mark the Spot: Use a pencil to mark the spot where you want the bottom edge of the mirror to be.
  1. Measure and Mark: Measure the distance from the bottom edge of the mirror to the hanging clips or wire on the back of the mirror. Transfer this measurement to the wall and mark the spots for the clips or hooks.
  1. Install the Clips or Hooks: Install the clips or hooks at the marked spots. Make sure to use the appropriate wall anchors if necessary.
  1. Hang the Mirror: Carefully lift the mirror and hang it on the clips or hooks. Use a level to make sure the mirror is straight.

Use the appropriate hardware for your wall type and mirror weight. If you are unsure or uncomfortable hanging the mirror yourself, consider hiring a professional to ensure it is done correctly and safely. 


In conclusion, selecting the right mirror for your bathroom involves more than just choosing a design that catches your eye. It requires careful consideration of various factors, including size, shape, style, overall design, budget, and lighting. Moreover, the installation process, including the type of clips or attachments used, is equally crucial. By paying attention to all these details, you can select a mirror that not only serves its functional purpose but also enhances the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom, transforming it into a stylish and functional sanctuary.

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